Who We Are

Wonder Pelvic Therapy & Wellness specializes in physical therapy of the pelvic floor, inner core, and more. We strive to improve the well-being of our patients and community by providing quality care and education. We believe in a team approach—collaborating with the patient to provide individualized care, resolve concerns, and improve health.

Erin Wonder

Co-Founder, PT

Tiffany Weitzen

Co-Founder, PTA

What We Treat

Bladder & Bowel Control

Pelvic and Chronic Pain

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pregnancy / Birthing Prep

Postpartum Care & Recovery

Diastasis Recti

Male Pelvic Health

Sexual Health

Pediatric Pelvic Health


Barbara A.

“For years a leaky bladder was a big problem, one I dealt with by racing to the bathroom and wearing bulky underwear. My therapist explained the process of strengthening the pelvic floor and guided me through a series of exercises that relax the muscles and then strengthen them. She taught me how to be in control. Her manner was encouraging and thoughtful as she listened to my concerns. This enabled her to guide me in meeting my goals.”

Gayle O.

“The care is wonderful. It’s a beautiful place. The people are personable, friendly, and professional. I can’t recommend them enough.”

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